Tuesday, December 11, 2007

SCARED – 9 December 2007 – Meatworks, Kaikoura, New Zealand – surfer attacked

Olivia Hislop was unhurt after a shark tugged on her board while she was surifing at Meatworks surfspot at Kaikoura, New Zealand. The incident happened on Sunday 9 December 2007.

She told media she felt a tug on her board and thought it was a friend fooling around. She turned around to find shark ‘half on top of her board'.

She pulled her board away and when the shark slid off it whacked her on the head with its tail.

"That's when everyone said it was quite a big one because they could see the size of its tail," the New Zealand Herald quoted her as saying.

"After it happened, I was a bit dazed and everyone was freaking out."

The shark then returned and bit through her leash and banged against her bare feet as she was about to catch a wave.

She said she wouldn’t be surfing at Meatworks for a while!

New Zealand Herald